Positive Change

Harriet Tubman; a self-empowerment icon for the millennium by Nina Gbor

Photo: Benjamin F. Powelson Collection of the National Museum of African American History and Culture shared with the Library of Congress, 2017.30.4

Photo: Benjamin F. Powelson Collection of the National Museum of African American History and Culture shared with the Library of Congress, 2017.30.4

At the intersection of US’ Black History Month in February and International Women’s Day in March, the zeitgeist compels me to share the story of Harriet Tubman. There are several historical and public figures that have inspired the world such as Michelle Obama, Dr Martin Luther King Jr, Audrey Hepburn, Oprah Winfrey and Abraham Lincoln. However, Tubman’s story makes her one of the greatest symbols of self-empowerment that the world has ever seen.  

Harriet Tubman was an African American woman born into slavery in 1822 yet escaped to become one of history’s most noted abolitionists, activist for racial equality, women’s rights & the suffrage movement. Not only was Harriet Tubman the first black woman in the United States Army, she was also the first woman to lead an armed military operation in the United States. Tubman has become an icon for courage and freedom.

Early life

Harriet Tubman was a woman who rose from seemingly impossible circumstances to become immensely powerful, very clever and accomplished. She was born in a country and in a time when a black female was considered the lowest cast of humans with the least amount of value in most cases. Earlier in her life, Tubman suffered a traumatic head wound when an angry slave owner threw a heavy metal weight intending to hit another slave that hit her instead. The injury caused pain, dizziness and bouts of hypersomnia, which occurred throughout her life. Tubman was unable to read or write. Despite all of these circumstances, she freed approximately 770 slaves throughout her life.

Underground Railroad

Tubman escaped slavery in Maryland in 1849 and fled 90 miles to freedom in Philadelphia. Despite her hard-earned freedom, she selflessly returned 13 times over 8 years to help free a total of 70 slaves including her entire family and other slaves. With a bounty on her head, Tubman persisted to venture on these heroic journeys. The Underground Railroad was used in their route to freedom which was North, and then later they ventured further North into Canada. Tubman was never caught. She carried a small pistol for protection against slave catchers. The pistol was also useful for encouraging faint-hearted runaways from returning to their owners because it would risk the safety of the rest of the group, and potentially sabotage future rescue missions. For this reason, it’s been alleged that whenever runaways insisted on turning back, Harriet would pull out her pistol and say, “dead men tell no tales”. And they would carry on with the journey. However, she never shot any of them. She helped former slaves find employment in their new places.

US Civil War

When the American Civil War began in 1861, Tubman worked for the Union Army as a cook, nurse, armed scout and eventually as a spy. She later became the first woman to lead an armed expedition in the war, as she brazenly led the Combahee Ferry raid in South Carolina that freed 700 slaves. After the war, Tubman raised funds to aid freed men, established the Harriet Tubman Home for the Aged where she housed and took care of the elderly. She also became active in the women's suffrage movement. Tubman died in 1913. She was buried with military honours.

Photo: Getty Images.

Photo: Getty Images.


Dozens of schools were named in her honour, in addition to a museum in Aubury, New York and other institutions.  The U.S. Treasury Department announced in 2016 that Tubman’s portrait would be centred on the new $20 bill. In May 2019, U.S. Treasury Secretary announced that there would be a delay until 2026 at the earliest.

Fortunately a film was made in 2019, chronicling Tubman’s life called Harriet. See the trailer below.  

Given the socio-political issues that we have today with gender and race inequalities, climate injustice or even how bad we feel our lives are, it helps to look at people like Tubman. She reminds us that change is possible. And that anything is possible. She symbolises a benchmark for knowing that we can find strength within ourselves even when it seems all hope is lost. It’s humbling to know that a woman, born as a slave, without resources, status and legally no right to even call her own life her own, could create such a legacy in the 1800s. All I’m saying is, whatever positive change we’re hoping to create in the world or within our personal lives, just know that YOU ABSOLUTELY CAN!

♥ Nina Gbor

Instagram: @eco.styles





Secondhand fashion; a secret weapon for self-empowerment by Nina Gbor

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The stigma of wearing secondhand clothing is fading so fast, that fast fashion might become obsolete in several years. According to ThreadUp’s 2019 Resale Report, the value of the secondhand market, which is currently worth $24bn (£18bn) is expected to reach $51 billion (£39bn) in 2023.  

Nina Gbor black dress

I’ve been op shopping and eco styling since the age of fifteen. Back then, it was seen as taboo. Kids would make fun of me if they knew my wardrobe came out of secondhand (preloved) stores. The old and outdated perception about preloved clothing sees it as something for a ‘certain’ type of person, something dirty and only for people who can’t afford retail prices. For fear of being bullied, I stayed in the closet about where my clothes came from, even though I fully, albeit secretly relished the unique look that op shopping gave me. It took several years before I mustered the courage to come out as a preloved stylista. Fortunately, it’s fast becoming the cool thing to do.

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My style always made me stand out and I fully embraced the feeling of individuality. My outfit spoke (and still speaks) volumes whenever I walked into a room. In a world where I never felt seen, heard, valued, included in mainstream media or pretty much anywhere else, having the chance to express my persona through of a vast, eclectic range of exclusive garments felt, in some way, like I had found my voice. Even though it wasn’t immediately verbal (that came later). It was my way of loudly expressing myself without metaphorically feeling like I would have to scream to be heard. It allowed me to be seen, which subsequently opened up possibilities for me to be heard a little more often. The way I combined colours, patterns, vintage styles with contemporary styles garnered people’s attention. The intention was not really to wear clothes that got attention. I only wore outfits to please myself alone. However, it made people curious about me, probably because they struggled to place me into any one stereotypical box. That suited me just fine because like most people, I hate being labelled or put in a box. Regardless, I was happy to share my affection for preloved styling and knowledge of sustainability with them.


For the last four years, I’ve been posting preloved outfits on my platforms to help shift the negative perceptions of secondhand, by styling them elegantly. Part of my goal in all of this has been to help people see preloved garments in a new light; as something sophisticated, stylish, aspirational, creative and even enigmatic. In addition, I hope to inspire more people to fully embrace preloved clothing and experience for themselves the type of style magic that’s conjured whenever you wear something rare and exclusive. 

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Today’s outfit is no exception. I’m featuring a black silk preloved dress that has a 50s style cut. I found nearly all the pieces of this ensemble in various op shops. The silk dress from a Salvation Army store in the U.K. The black luxury designer Salvatore Ferragamo bag is from Pandoras op and I found the faux fur scarf in a Salvos op shop. Preloved clothes contributed to my self-empowerment but, in the many pathways that exist, I think when there’s a sincere higher purpose or calling as the basis, the journey to self-empowerment is so much more authentic and powerful.

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According to Bloomberg, the luxury fashion resale market is poised to expand by an average of 12% per year through 2021, compared to about 3% for the primary luxury market. As fashion is one of the most polluting industries in the world, the rise of preloved is definitely a win for the environment. For me, it’s helped me win some self-love, respect, confidence and has opened up opportunities for me to use my voice for positive change.



I decided to go ‘Gatsby’ on this black silk number by wearing the luxurious, glamorous faux fur scarf with a luxurious black and gold purse and some stiletto heels. To give it the 1950s touch, I wore a petticoat to puff out the skirt – lower half-section. 

Styling tip - A black dress is too easy to style up or down. Just switch the glamourous accessories for simple, everyday ones. Have fun mixing different accessories and pieces with the frock to create alternative looks. Make it work.

Sourced from:

Black Silk Dress: The Salvation Army Charity Shop, UK

Black Salvatore Ferragamo Purse: Pandoras at O’Connor Preloved Op Shop

Brown Faux Fur Scarf: Salvos Op Shop


Photography by Angela Elgiva


♥ Nina Gbor

Fashion, women's rights and free trade agreements by Nina Gbor

Photo courtesy of ActionAid Australia.

Photo courtesy of ActionAid Australia.

It’s now common knowledge that the fashion industry is not only one of the most polluting industries in the world, but it’s also laden with a lot of social injustice issues such as systemic poverty, unfair wages and lives being lost due to manufacturing. Through the efforts of activists, ethical brands and organisations like Fashion Revolution, Wardrobe Crisis, Ellen Macarthur Foundation and Eco-Age, many people are demanding ethical standards from the brands who make our clothes. However, for a more thorough and holistic shift in these issues, we need the involvement of governments, particularly where laws are concerned.

I wonder at what point in our modern history we degenerated into thinking human life was so worthless. When did it become okay to place profits and economic growth over human lives under the guise of progress? Or has this notion altogether been slyly omitted from the era of modernity and civilisation? Earlier this year the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) trade agreement came to my attention through AFTINET (Australian Fair Trade & Investment Network) and a human rights campaign created by ActionAid Australia called #TransformTradeForWomen. RCEP is a trade agreement potentially in its last leg of negotiations. If signed in its current state, it will have laws that in essence, trade corporate profits over human rights and the environment. Sadly, this notion of profit over people and planet appears to be a fundamental principle driving much of the top-level decision-making in many governments and business corporations.

Free trade agreements (FTAs) are international treaties between two or more nations that set the rules regarding trade and investment. FTAs reduce barriers to trade by giving more rights to corporations and reducing tax on imports for example. Through giving more rights to multinational corporations as an incentive to trade, they can create access to new markets for businesses in a nation and increased opportunities for foreign investment in that country. The idea is to boost economic growth of member nations. However, it’s quickly becoming a well-known fact that FTAs are rigged in favour of multinational corporations.  These agreements are increasingly becoming booby trapped with policies that heavily impact lives and rights of workers, especially women. RCEP is a massive free trade agreement between 16 member states that collectively make up nearly half of the world’s population. They include Australia, New Zealand and fourteen Asian nations, including the ten ASEAN member states. This agreement will have huge socio-economic ramifications on low-income countries – the workers, women and of course the garment workers. Therefore, if this deal goes through in the present form, it’ll boost the power of multinational corporations, to operate in ways that further damage the environment and human rights.

Whenever there’s a disaster of some kind, economic downturn or similar circumstance, women are always hit the hardest. About 80% of garment workers in the world are women. Because a significant portion of garments is made in some of the RCEP nations, the agreement can potentially have a lasting impact on the outcome of sustainability in the fashion industry (and other industries too). As FTAs are covertly designed to profit corporations at the expense of everyday people, the matter is systemically linked to women’s rights, gender equality and poverty. Therefore, signing a trade agreement with such a broad-stroke impact under these circumstances amounts to an act of brinkmanship.

According to information gathered by AFTINET, these are some of the ramifications of FTAs and RCEP:

1. The threat to women’s access to decent jobs

Trade agreements encourage multinational companies to manufacture in sectors like clothing by driving down wages and undermining worker’s rights. This is partially because normal labour rights and standards may not apply within designated “special economic zones”, drafted in some trade deals. RCEP will make provisions for corporations to employ and pay women unfair, low wages. It will validate corporations employing women in poor, sometimes unsafe working conditions. This is already a huge problem in low-income states; therefore, it will make it harder to find solutions to end exploitation and eradicate poverty cycles. Ultimately, it would make it even harder for female garment workers to find some form of self-empowerment.  

2. Temporary migrant workers could face increased exploitation

Temporary migration can be an avenue for women from low-income countries to make higher incomes, however, the reality is that these women often end up being exploited in poorly paid sectors.

3. Environment and climate change

FTAs can propel climate damage and threaten action on climate change. By inciting companies to take their manufacturing and polluting operations to nations with lower environmental safeguards, FTAs can contribute to climate change and other environmental issues. They also place barriers on the ability of governments to respond to climate change, which is unjustly impacting women around the world.

Some FTAs have a clause called the ‘Investor State Dispute Settlement’ (ISDS), which is a policy designed to give multinational corporations the impetus to sue governments if they feel a change in national law or policy will reduce their profits. For example, raising the minimum wage or laws to reduce carbon pollution. In other words, corporations can sue governments over laws that protect women’s rights over profits. Many cases presently being deliberated under trade deals include mining companies suing governments because of foregone profits from environmental regulations.

UN specialists have contributed to this theory, noting that the fear of being sued means governments are less inclined to pass laws that are crucial for people and planet. As of mid-September 2019, RCEP has excluded the ISDS clause from the deal.

4. E-Commerce inequality

In an article written in The Interpreter, Rahul Nath Choudhury has voiced concern from the perspective of most developing countries about the inclusion of e-commerce within FTAs. Some feel that it’s a covert method of using international rules that favour big tech corporations from developed countries to exclude developing countries from the digital economy.  

5. Access to public services like healthcare and education.

FTAs in general need tariffs to be reduced, which in turn minimises government revenue available for public services like healthcare, transport, and education which are a critical part of ensuring that women’s basic needs are met. By doing this they disable gender equality.

Healthcare – Amongst other health matters, AFTINET Convener, Dr Pat Ranald expressed concern over RCEP proposals for long-term monopolies on medicines that would delay the ability of affordable, generic medicines to be made available in developing countries.

Education - The lack of access to education for women and girls has a huge domino effect on so many things. It makes them more vulnerable to things like modern slavery, early childhood marriages, trafficking, etc.

Women make up more than half of the world’s population. And one can even say, that, that in itself equates to an enormous pool of resource and potential. UN Women has said, “Increasing women’s and girls’ educational attainment contributes to women’s economic empowerment and more inclusive economic growth.” Educating women and girls is the key to solving so many of the world’s problems. It means they’ll have opportunities to participate, contribute and have more leadership opportunities. And when it comes to issues like economic growth, empowering half of the population seems like a very long-term strategy for ensuring continued economic growth. So, when you look at it from that angle, it’s not practical to allow women to be disempowered in these ways. It really makes no sense at all to ignore the rights of women, particularly at the top level-decision-making. It affects economic development, politics, social development and the GDP. Billions of dollars of development and growth are lost from denying women access to education and from disempowering them. This is a fundamental pathway to creating positive change in the world. When women are empowered, the entire family, community and nation benefits. Which means the world benefits.

Just as women in the global north experience pay gaps, inequality, harassment and discrimination, women in low-income countries experience these injustices to a much higher degree. So, I believe that Western people being in a position of higher privilege, have the power to shift circumstances towards positive change, not only for garment workers but women in general.

FTAs can be a great way to systemise women’s rights. We have agency to use agreements like RCEP to change circumstances that will have huge ramifications on half of the globe in regard to women’s lives, communities and future generations. This is crucial not only for economic development but for progression in areas of politics, wellbeing, health, science and climate action. It will be on point for us to have RCEP amended to include the rights of women. And furthermore, using the gravitas of such an agreement, make it the standard for all future trade agreements to have women’s rights as a fundamental requirement before the drafting process even begins.

This is not just a women’s fight for women, it’s a people’s fight for the progression of humanity. And we hope that governments can see the value in it as well.

AFTINET - To stay up-to-date with developments on RCEP, follow AFTINET here.

ActionAid Australia - To learn more and support #TransformTradeForWomen, sign ActionAid’s RCEP petition here. You can also do the following:

  • Look into joining your local activist group and find out how you can get involved with a campaign in your community.

  • Watch their events page to find out if there is a campaign event happening near you. 

  • Donate to help power the campaign and make sure they have the resources to run hard-hitting stunts, grow public support across Australia, and use creative tactics to target key decision-makers.

  • Follow ActionAid on FacebookInstagram and Twitter to make sure you’re first to hear all the latest ways to take action on a campaign.

 Dr Patricia Ranald, Convenor of AFTINET will be speaking at The True Cost Movie screening event organised by ActionAid Australia on October 30th. Find tickets here.

- Nina Gbor

Sources: http://aftinet.org.au/cms/Regional-Comprehensive-Economic-Partnership-RCEP https://actionaid.org.au/actions/rcep-petition/

Secret Sisterhood social enterprise for women by Nina Gbor

Nina Gbor on the left hand side. Jacquie Love on the right hand side.

Nina Gbor on the left hand side. Jacquie Love on the right hand side.

I’m all for social enterprises that empower, uplift and inspire women. I spotted the lovely Jacquie Love outside of the International Women’s Day event, held by the UN Women National Committee Australia in Canberra last month. 


Jacquie was raising funds for UN Women’s gender inequality initiatives by selling beautiful jewellery she designs for the label she founded, Secret Sisterhood. It’s a mission/purpose driven social enterprise that employs women in India to make the jewellery and then gives 100% of profits to charities aimed at ending gender inequality. 


Secret Sisterhood is also a movement, a growing community of women and girls with the collective goal of ending gender equality. They are a global community connecting through events, services and of course jewellery.  One of the things that caught my eye at the UN Women event were the compliment cards from Secret Sisterhood. Inscribed with phrases like “You are really strong” or “You should be so proud”, this is the perfect thing to completely shift someone’s day into a happy one. I might even keep a few in my wallet as my self-love affirmations.


I also loved their Intentional Words jewellery line each with words like Love, Gratitude, Kindness and Peace. These are pieces I would wear with nearly any style of outfit. It feels good having a positive word or symbol with me all day long. 


Needless to say, I’m now officially a fan of Secret Sisterhood. It’s one of the exemplary enterprises, showing how a business can be run in a way that uplifts, supports everyone involved.  

*Photos from Nina Gbor and supplied by Secret Sisterhood

♥ Nina Gbor


Regina style magic by Nina Gbor

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Regina. Whenever I look at this regal, majestic vintage piece, the name Regina comes to mind. She is a royal, bold goddess but at the same time, soft and romantic. Regina is an original 1960s, cotton Malaysian maxi dress I found at Three Sixty vintage market a couple of years ago. When I spotted a magenta fabric sticking out in between a tightly-packed rack of vintage goodies, I knew straight away she was meant for me. Magenta colour on my skin tone is a match made in heaven.

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Regina with her vibrant colour, queenly cut, puffy sleeves, collar, full, long skirt and soft, light fabric is without a doubt, a one-of-a-kind piece. She is an ensemble with a life of her own that wears you, instead of the other way round. She turns heads and commands respect. This was the persona that overcame me the day I wore Regina.

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This occurrence is what I call style magic. It’s the boost in confidence or the shift in energy you get from an outfit. If you wear the uniform of a queen, you start to feel like a queen, and therefore act like a queen. If you’re lucky you might even become one! This is the philosophy I use with my style clients to help them look, feel and achieve their goals. It’s style alchemy. Style can be used to evolve to the best version of yourself. Yes, I just gave you on a style personal development strategy. Try it and let me know how it works for you.

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The look: Naturally, I chose a white belt to synch in at the waist with Regina. This particular belt has an art deco buckle. As a lover of 50s fashion, I spend about 70% of my life in a petticoat so Regina was no exception. It gives the skirt a fuller look and emphasises the synched in waist. I finished this look with white ankle boot shoes.

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Style tip: With its light fabric, a dress like this can be worn in summer with sandals or other summer shoes. It’s great for protecting your skin from the sun.

Try: This dress, like most dresses can double up as a top. Achieve this tip simply by wearing a skirt over it like I did in this throwback photo. I wore a 1960s vintage Sally Browne plaid skirt over the dress.

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Autumn/Winter Styling: Most Winter clothes are dark and neutral, and I believe in bringing bright, vibrant colour to those cold, dreary Winter days to cheer things up. Because of its long sleeves, I wear thermals (long-sleeve t-shirt and leggings) underneath this dress in Winter to stay warm, yet stylish. And then boots to finish off the Winter look. You can try this trick with your summer maxi dresses.

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Outfits sourced from:

Regina 1960s vintage dressThreeSixty Vintage Market

1960s Sally Browne vintage Skirt ThreeSixty Vintage Market

White art deco belt and white shoesSalvos Stores Op Shop

Photography by Angela Elgiva. Throwback photo by Oliver Weiler.

♥ Nina Gbor