Fashion's impact on climate change; government, industry and consumer suggestions for net zero by Nina Gbor

Photo by Trisha Downing.

Photo by Trisha Downing.

As part of the National Sustainable Living Festival this year, I gave a talk about how fashion impacts climate change with suggestions for how we can make changes to achieve net zero emissions. The event, Fashion Apocalypse, was organised, by the Coalition of Everyone. It was designed as a mock Citizens’ Assembly to engage participants from all walks to contribute and build empowering solutions to a would-be fashion climate emergency. I’ve combined the findings from my research and talk into this article. I’ll first explain why fashion is detrimental to the environment before I go into how it impacts the climate, and then delve into policy recommendations for consumers, industry and government to work together towards a common goal of net zero emissions.

One of the working groups at Coalition of Everyone’s Mock Assembly event. Photo: Grace O’Hara.

One of the working groups at Coalition of Everyone’s Mock Assembly event. Photo: Grace O’Hara.


Scientists are saying we only have about 10 years to take significant measures to keep global temperatures from rising more than 1.5 degrees Celsius, compared to pre-industrial levels. And on that note, avoid the irreversible environmental destruction that can threaten all of humanity.  This is the goal of the Paris Agreement. For this to happen, carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions will need to be on track to decrease by about 45 percent by 2030. The greenhouse gases from the fashion and apparel industry contributes to about 10% of climate change. Therefore, it has an urgent role to play in climate action.

The 2019 Fashion Revolution Report indicated that only a little over 100 of fashion’s top brands publish their annual carbon footprint on their websites. More than half of the industry’s emissions occur in the supply chain and only 19.5% disclose their emissions in this area.

The fashion and apparel industry is worth approximately $1.8 trillion dollars. Fast fashion’s trend and throwaway culture is based on a lucrative business model where retail stores produce clothing very cheaply and intended for short-term use. Primarily made of synthetic textiles, the manufacture, consumption and disposal operations are laden with processes that damage the environment in major ways. The concept of following fashion trends is the fuel that drives the fast fashion dilemma. The business model enables fast fashion companies to skyrocket profits by selling clothes based on daily / weekly rapidly turning fashion trends. Shortly after manufacture, fast fashion apparel is quickly disposed of in favour of the next set of trends, then the new trends are soon after disposed of as well. And so, the linear cycle continues, earning the industry the title of being one of the most polluting industries in the world.

We’re buying more clothes than ever before, wearing them fewer times, repairing them less, and throwing them away sooner. Approximately, 150 billion brand new garments are being manufactured every year which is 400% more than we were consuming more than two decades ago. 85% of textiles and apparel purchased end up in landfill within a year. And less than 1 % of used clothing is recycled into new garments. The average consumer bought 60% more clothes in 2014 than in the year 2000 but kept each garment for half as long. If demographic and lifestyle patterns continue as they are now, global consumption of apparel will rise from 62 million metric tonnes (as per 2019) to 102 million tonnes by 2030. 


These are several leading ways that fashion impacts climate change:

  • Greenhouse gases

  • Water usage

  • Chemicals & pesticides

  • Textile waste

  • Synthetic textiles

  • Landfill and emissions

  • Energy

  • Deforestation

Greenhouse Gases

The fashion and textiles industry is creating 92 million tonnes of textile waste and 1.7 billion tonnes of CO2 emissions which is more than that of all international flights and marine shipping combined. At the current rate, the fashion industry's greenhouse gas emissions will spike more than 50% by 2030. And by 2050, use up a quarter of the world’s carbon budget needed to keep the planet below 2 degrees of warming. The fashion industry’s emissions are estimated to be close to that of Russia’s.

Water Usage

Every year the fashion industry uses 93 billion cubic meters of water — enough to meet the consumption needs of five million people. According to figures from the United Nations Environment Programme, it takes 3,781 litres of water to make a pair of jeans. And 2,700 litres of water to make just one cotton t-shirt. That’s equivalent to 3 years’ worth of drinking water for one person. If you were to multiply the number of t-shirts in your wardrobe by 2,700 litres, that’s just a fraction of the amount of water in one wardrobe!  

Cotton is in 40% of our garments. It’s the single largest water consumption factor in fashion and textiles. 93 billion cubic metres of water is used in cotton production per year, with 10,000 – 20,000 litres of water needed to make just 1kg of clothing. This puts an incredible amount of stress on water supply in Central Asia, India and China. Regions in these countries are already contending with water scarcity linked to climate change. The Aral Sea in Uzbekistan is a prime example. Once the fourth largest fresh lake in the world and home to over 40,000 fishermen, it has become an arid desert, due to over-irrigation from cotton farming.

Abandoned ships at landscape that was formerly the Aral Sea. Photo: Lochner.

Abandoned ships at landscape that was formerly the Aral Sea. Photo: Lochner.

Chemicals & Pesticides


Water pollution - A quarter of the chemicals produced in the world are used in textiles. With the textile industry being one of the most chemically intensive industries on earth, it has turned out to be the second biggest polluter of freshwater resources on the planet. A United Nations study stated that the fashion industry is responsible for 20% of all waste water which mainly comes from fabric dyeing and treatment. Chemicals are used during other manufacturing processes, such as fibre production, bleaching, printing, washing and finishing. In countries where garment manufacture occurs, untreated toxic waste and fabric dyes from local factories are dumped into the rivers and water bodies. This impacts the communities where this happens by destroying their access to clean, potable water. The chemicals cause high levels of cancer and other illnesses for the people who live in these areas. The contamination is also hazardous to aquatic wildlife. It streams into the seas and then infiltrates waterways around the world.

Considering only 2.5% of the Earth’s water is freshwater and only 0.3% of that is accessible to humans, the urgency for the industry to take drastic action is high.  


Cotton makes up almost half of the total fibre used to make clothing. It’s the world’s single largest pesticide-consuming crop. Cotton fields globally account for 2.4% of cultivated land, but consume 18% of all pesticide use and 25% of total insecticide use

Textile Waste

85% of apparel purchased end up in landfill. The average consumer bought 60% more clothes in 2014 than in the year 2000 but kept each garment for half as long.

Due to fashion oversupply, one garbage truck of clothes is sent to landfill or burned every second, according to the World Resources Institute. Burberry for instance, incinerated $150 million worth of stock within a 5-year period. Burning textiles exacerbates global warming by emitting greenhouse gases including carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.  

Synthetic Textiles

Microfibres - Synthetic textiles make up 72% of clothing and are one of the main sources of microplastic pollution and account for 35% of all microplastics. The most common materials used in clothing manufacture are polyester (55%), followed by nylon (5%) and acrylic (2%). Nylon produces nitrous oxide which is a greenhouse gas 300 times more potent than carbon dioxide.

Not only are synthetics non-biodegradable, they all rely on the petrochemical industries for their raw material, meaning because it’s a staple, the fashion industry is dependent on fossil fuel extraction. Synthetics made from this source are a form of plastic. Approximately 70 million barrels of oil are used to make polyester fabric each year, which has become the most commonly used fabric in our clothing.

Every year, half a million tons of plastic microfibers (equivalent of 50 billion plastic bottles) end up in the ocean when we wash our synthetic garments. Microfibers cannot be extracted from the water. This threatens marine wildlife. It also ends up in our food supply when the water or seafood is consumed. This can impact our physical health.

Landfill and Emissions

Synthetic textiles, which is what a big portion of clothing is made of, can take more than 200 years to decompose in landfill. In this condition, they release the toxic gas, methane, which being 21 times more potent that carbon dioxide, is incredibly hazardous to the environment and contributes towards climate change.

Materials like leather are also responsible for huge methane outputs. Extinction Rebellion states that one billion animals are killed for leather every year.


The emissions footprint of a garment happens throughout its life cycle. Past the initial raw materials process, energy is consumed in crop and fibre production, manufacturing, transporting, packaging, warehousing and selling the garment.

Manufacturing takes up an estimated 80% of energy used in textile manufacture. Factories consume much energy and, in that regard, emit a high level of greenhouse gases. A significant proportion of clothing is manufactured in countries like India and China, where there is major reliance on coal-fuelled power plants. This increases the footprint of each garment.

The supply chain requires 10 times more energy to produce a ton of textiles than it does to produce a ton of glass. Electricity is a huge element in the textile supply chain and one of the most used forms of energy. 75% – 80% of energy consumption happens after a garment is purchased because of laundry activities.

Photo: Allie Smith.

Photo: Allie Smith.


Fashion’s impact on deforestation comes from textile manufacture. The process of converting wood to fabric is chemically-intensive and wastes 70% of the tree. The common textiles in this method are rayon, lyocell, viscose and modal. According to Canopy, 150 million trees are cut each year and processed down to a pulp which is later spun into fabrics. 

With cotton being the biggest agricultural plant used for clothing manufacture, land clearing for cotton farming is a major issue where deforestation is concerned. Forests are crucial for maintaining harmony of the earth’s complex ecosystems. They balance the gases in the atmosphere, clean the air and produce the oxygen that we breathe. Around a third of the CO2 emitted (approximately 2.6 billion tonnes) from burning fossil fuels is absorbed by forests every year. In the period of climate change, we sincerely need forests.

Coalition of Everyone event. Photo: Grace O’Hara.

Coalition of Everyone event. Photo: Grace O’Hara.


If we’re aiming to reach net-zero emissions, drastic changes need to happen immediately.  However, we can all play a part in helping these shifts take place, as individuals (consumers), industry or government. Here are some recommendations:


Change the fashion throwaway culture

Overproduction, overconsumption and waste are responsible for fashion’s emission levels. The trend culture needs to end. The fast fashion industry thrives on convincing people to purchase weekly trends of new fast fashion apparel. This super-fast turnover is at the very core of fashion’s environmental degradation. We need to rethink and change the disposable fast fashion culture by ‘getting off the fashion trendmill’. This requires a 180-degree shift in mindset and approach to clothing consumption.

Brand new apparel

  • Individuals can disrupt the industry by demanding and monitoring fashion brands consistently until it becomes standard practice that all clothing is manufactured with environmental best practice

  • All new garments purchased should be from ethical brands who take all necessary measures to ensure minimal emission levels

  • Apparel purchased should be made of natural textiles such as organic linen, mohair and wool

  • Only buy what you need and have a plan for sustainable disposal e.g. upcycling, donation.

Nurture the circular economy

Essentially, this is recycling in different contexts. It keeps clothes out of landfill by reusing the surplus garments already in existence. If the number of times a garment is worn is doubled on average, the GHG emissions would be 44 % lower. The ultimate goal here is to phase out fast fashion.

  • Hire / rent clothing from clothing libraries and wardrobe subscription platforms

  • Repair, attend, use and host clothes swaps and repair cafes

  • Buy second-hand apparel and textiles

  • Individuals are encouraged to remake and redesign existing garments so we can minimise or end the use of raw materials

  • Wash your clothing less often and air dry instead of machine dry. Use the machine wash on cold setting.  


With the backing of UN Climate Change, fashion stakeholders in 2018 created the Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action  as a holistic commitment to climate action. In keeping with the target of the Paris Agreement, the charter contains a directive to analyse and set a decarbonization pathway for the fashion industry. The charter also includes a target of 30% GHG emission reductions by 2030. 


  • All brand-new garments should be made using natural textiles such as organic cotton, organic bamboo, organic hemp, organic linen, mohair, wool, cashmere, etc

  • Production of textiles should be entirely without chemical pesticides, fertilisers and toxic dyes with preference given to crops that require less water in their creation

  • Garments can be produced on a need basis to prevent oversupply. This will end landfill waste. Put a stop to the incineration of clothing stock oversupply to protect brand image.

Circular economy (making fashion circular)

  • Brands can offer free repair services for their products where possible. This will encourage brands to produce better quality, more durable, lasting products

  • Standardise and systemise circular economy channels like wardrobe exchange and clothing subscription services

  • Education - Designers can be trained in zero-waste and eco designing. Purchasing managers can learn about environmental auditing standards and production managers can be educated on chemicals that cause environmental damage

  • Industry can standardise the harvesting of existing fabrics (like vintage, deadstock and preloved) to remake and redesign ‘new’ fabrics and garments. This will minimise or end the use of precious raw materials and preserve life sources like water.

    * Sustainable synthetics (Patagonia) - switching from conventional to organic cotton can cut harmful emissions by 46%, as the nitrogen waste from fertilisers is eliminated. A switch from virgin polyester to recycled material – made by mechanically or chemically breaking down plastic drinks bottles – can reduce the carbon footprint of polyester by 40%.

Internal measures

  • Reduce and save energy along the value chain of brands beyond the materials stage e.g. energy use in their warehouses, stores, offices, logistical operations like transportation

  • The reporting of emissions can be made public.

ASOS cut its electricity use in one warehouse by 76% by switching to energy-efficient light bulbs. Sensors that turn lights off in empty rooms can help too. 

Finding efficiencies at the transport and logistics stages can help businesses’ environmental practices. When Hugo Boss analysed the carbon footprint of their transport operations, they realised switching from air to rail freight could cut emissions by 95%. 


“What is needed are commitments – bold target setting – [from the] fashion industry; at the moment [we’re] not going fast enough… Government regulations can help increase the pace; if there were a tax on carbon or on water, [that could] move big sections of the industry.”

-          Eva Kruse, President and CEO of the Global Fashion Agenda


  • Quotas on manufacture and import levels to curb oversupply and waste. Only what is absolutely needed is manufactured

  • Increased amount of reforestation programs

  • Incineration of clothing by brands should be made illegal

  • Fashion brands to have emissions and water usage taxes levied.

Renewable energy (from Fashion Industry’s Charter for Climate Action)

Governments can assist industry in the following ways:

  • Supportive, transparent and predictable planning contexts for renewable energy investment such as ensuring clear communication of government energy roadmaps.

  • Agility in responding to rapid scale-up of grid-connected renewable energy sources. And the assurance of a just and sustainable transition in the rapid phase-out of the highest-emitting fossil-fuel-based sources of energy

  • Through the provision of feed-in tariffs to manufacturers and suppliers, for instance, government can make provisions for incentives for quick transition to renewable energy that generates electricity from renewable sources. Ideally it will feed their excess electricity into the public electricity grid

  • Ensuring the availability of credible and legal renewable electricity tariffs and power purchase agreements for fashion brands and manufacturers to purchase as part of their efforts in reducing their greenhouse gas emissions

  • Through research and incentives for alternative biomass sources, government can develop a conducive atmosphere to enable swift phase out of non-renewable energy sources for all high-heat or non-grid processes.

Transition and availability of resources

  • Working with the Fashion Industry to understand and address potential barriers to sector transformation, uptake of energy efficiency and renewable energy technology with a focus on understanding the key role of tariffs, subsidies or legal barriers at the state and national levels.

  •  Provision of easily accessible resources for fashion climate initiatives to prosper and thrive in the following areas:

§  Funding

§  Research & support

§  Circular economy systems

§  New innovative and sustainable textiles e.g. Pinatex, Activated Silk and Mycellium

§  New innovative tech e.g. Microplastic-proof washing machines and Cora Ball

§  Knowledge share

§  Education

§  Collaborations

Working Groups

Active and consistent Working Groups will be required to identify and amplify best practices, strengthen existing efforts, identify and address gaps, facilitate and strengthen collaboration among relevant stakeholders. They can facilitate the joining of resources and sharing of tools to enable the sector to achieve and maintain its climate targets.

Working groups can be made of professionals, experts, consumers, influencers and initiatives in the fashion and broader textile sector. They can include political leaders of countries that have major fashion production and consumer markets. Working collaboratively to deliver on the recommendations above and the principles enshrined in the charter, will likely sustain the commitment to achieve and retain net zero emissions by 2030.

♥ Nina Gbor

Instagram: @eco.styles




























Why secondhand fashion (thrifting) is not about being cheap by Nina Gbor

perri cutten nina gbor sustainable fashion 1

Like most of my outfits, this ensemble is preloved. The top is from an op shop and the skirt is from a luxury/designer second-hand store. I’ve been op shopping and eco styling since the age of fifteen. Even though I’ve forged a purpose-driven career of fashion sustainability and climate activism from it, I realise that many still hold the view that preloved apparel is something taboo, shameful or only for those with low incomes.

With the plight of fast fashion where 80 to 150 billion new garments are manufactured every year, we’re consuming approximately 400% more than we did over 20 years ago. We’re buying more, wearing less and sending nearly three-fifths of likely reusable (and sometimes still new) garments to landfill or incineration each year. The fashion and textile over-consumption and waste problem are a major dilemma in climate change. This is why choosing preloved clothing can no longer be seen as just a money-saving endeavour. It is a planet-saving one.  

retro skirt pattern skirt nina gbor slow fashion

For years I’ve shared images of preloved outfits from op shops, thrift stores, clothes swaps, vintage stores and markets. The intention is not only to share what I enjoy, but mainly to shift the negative stereotypes around second-hand clothing. If I’m able to fascinate with a glorious masterpiece sourced from op shopping, then I always hope it will inspire the start of people’s slow fashion journeys. Op shops and preloved sources have the unique ability to bless you with the magical experience of finding that rare piece that lights up your world when you wear it.

Armani Emporio eco styles eco fashion 1

However, I never mention the price of the pieces I wear because I believe it might not be best to focus solely on the affordability factor. Preloved clothing is for everyone, of every income level and background. Therefore, price should not be the only reason to op shop. It’s a given that preloved clothing is cheaper. And it’s perfectly okay that some can only afford to shop at thrift stores. However, for those who still think it’s only good for when you’re on a shoestring budget, here are some reasons to go preloved:

  • Buying one used item reduces its carbon footprint by 82%.

  • Op shops are charities that use their funds to help disadvantaged, marginalised and vulnerable groups like children, the homeless and victims of domestic violence.

  • The eclectic range of preloved clothing in stores and online lets you sample and mix clothing of multiple styles, genres and eras. It lets you see yourself in a different light, as a suggestion that anything is possible for you. With that, it becomes empowering and makes your style unique and iconic.

designer skirt nina gbor ethical fashion 1


This retro pattern skirt is the centre piece in this look. In being simplistic, I chose a blue top that has chemistry with the blue lines in the skirt. This light blue shade of the top complements or works well with any of the other colours of the skirt: purple, pink, black or royal blue.

giorgio armani nina gbor

Styling tip:

I wore this elegant piece to play in the sand but by all means, try wearing a pair of dress shoes, button down shirt or silk blouse with a skirt like this. It converts it to a look to wear to the office, an art exhibition or other occasion. If you’re bold enough, dare to pattern clash this skirt by wearing it with a floral, polka dot or patterned top with corresponding colours.  

nina gbor beach look sand style

Harriet Tubman; a self-empowerment icon for the millennium by Nina Gbor

Photo: Benjamin F. Powelson Collection of the National Museum of African American History and Culture shared with the Library of Congress, 2017.30.4

Photo: Benjamin F. Powelson Collection of the National Museum of African American History and Culture shared with the Library of Congress, 2017.30.4

At the intersection of US’ Black History Month in February and International Women’s Day in March, the zeitgeist compels me to share the story of Harriet Tubman. There are several historical and public figures that have inspired the world such as Michelle Obama, Dr Martin Luther King Jr, Audrey Hepburn, Oprah Winfrey and Abraham Lincoln. However, Tubman’s story makes her one of the greatest symbols of self-empowerment that the world has ever seen.  

Harriet Tubman was an African American woman born into slavery in 1822 yet escaped to become one of history’s most noted abolitionists, activist for racial equality, women’s rights & the suffrage movement. Not only was Harriet Tubman the first black woman in the United States Army, she was also the first woman to lead an armed military operation in the United States. Tubman has become an icon for courage and freedom.

Early life

Harriet Tubman was a woman who rose from seemingly impossible circumstances to become immensely powerful, very clever and accomplished. She was born in a country and in a time when a black female was considered the lowest cast of humans with the least amount of value in most cases. Earlier in her life, Tubman suffered a traumatic head wound when an angry slave owner threw a heavy metal weight intending to hit another slave that hit her instead. The injury caused pain, dizziness and bouts of hypersomnia, which occurred throughout her life. Tubman was unable to read or write. Despite all of these circumstances, she freed approximately 770 slaves throughout her life.

Underground Railroad

Tubman escaped slavery in Maryland in 1849 and fled 90 miles to freedom in Philadelphia. Despite her hard-earned freedom, she selflessly returned 13 times over 8 years to help free a total of 70 slaves including her entire family and other slaves. With a bounty on her head, Tubman persisted to venture on these heroic journeys. The Underground Railroad was used in their route to freedom which was North, and then later they ventured further North into Canada. Tubman was never caught. She carried a small pistol for protection against slave catchers. The pistol was also useful for encouraging faint-hearted runaways from returning to their owners because it would risk the safety of the rest of the group, and potentially sabotage future rescue missions. For this reason, it’s been alleged that whenever runaways insisted on turning back, Harriet would pull out her pistol and say, “dead men tell no tales”. And they would carry on with the journey. However, she never shot any of them. She helped former slaves find employment in their new places.

US Civil War

When the American Civil War began in 1861, Tubman worked for the Union Army as a cook, nurse, armed scout and eventually as a spy. She later became the first woman to lead an armed expedition in the war, as she brazenly led the Combahee Ferry raid in South Carolina that freed 700 slaves. After the war, Tubman raised funds to aid freed men, established the Harriet Tubman Home for the Aged where she housed and took care of the elderly. She also became active in the women's suffrage movement. Tubman died in 1913. She was buried with military honours.

Photo: Getty Images.

Photo: Getty Images.


Dozens of schools were named in her honour, in addition to a museum in Aubury, New York and other institutions.  The U.S. Treasury Department announced in 2016 that Tubman’s portrait would be centred on the new $20 bill. In May 2019, U.S. Treasury Secretary announced that there would be a delay until 2026 at the earliest.

Fortunately a film was made in 2019, chronicling Tubman’s life called Harriet. See the trailer below.  

Given the socio-political issues that we have today with gender and race inequalities, climate injustice or even how bad we feel our lives are, it helps to look at people like Tubman. She reminds us that change is possible. And that anything is possible. She symbolises a benchmark for knowing that we can find strength within ourselves even when it seems all hope is lost. It’s humbling to know that a woman, born as a slave, without resources, status and legally no right to even call her own life her own, could create such a legacy in the 1800s. All I’m saying is, whatever positive change we’re hoping to create in the world or within our personal lives, just know that YOU ABSOLUTELY CAN!

♥ Nina Gbor

Instagram: @eco.styles


Net-zero emissions; all hail ethical fashion brands like Etiko by Nina Gbor

Nina Gbor Etiko ethical fashion 1

The Pulse of the Fashion Industry report once forecast that at the current rate, fashion emissions would grow 63% by 2030. In the quest to achieve net-zero emissions and make slow fashion the standard for all fashion manufacture, it’s absolutely necessary to give accolades to ethical clothing brands who strive to end fashion’s impact on climate change.

These brands have environmental best practice, living wages and human rights advocacy as the cornerstone of their businesses. Brands like Etiko are a guiding light for manufacturing optimum ethical standards where the planet and people are concerned.

In operation since 2005, Etiko was the first fashion brand in the southern hemisphere to have acquired fairtrade certification. They also have GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) certification and B Corp certifications. The inspiration for this business model came at a time when it was more challenging to find a company whose products were not made using child labour or unfair wages to workers in another country. They decided to be that brand. They ensure living wages are paid to their workers who are all based in Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan and Australia.

Organic cotton

They make athleisure, basics, underwear, shoes and sports apparel. With an annual estimate of 55 million tonnes of pesticide being used on cotton crops, these toxic chemicals end up in local water bodies and oceans, endangering wildlife, humans and the eco system. For this reason, 100% GOTS organic cotton is what Etiko uses for their clothing and footwear.

Vegan friendly

According to the Food & Agriculture Orgnaisation of the U.N., 18% of all greenhouse gas emissions are from animal agriculture. To minimise carbon footprint, their apparel, like their sneakers are vegan friendly.

Natural rubber

The rubber used comes from rubber trees in Sri Lanka. Natural rubber, unlike petroleum based rubber is naturally extracted from sustainably farmed trees that do not release harmful gases and chemicals. Moreover, natural rubber is 100% biodegradable.


For several years, Etiko has been on track to achieving net-zero carbon emissions target for their entire supply chain by the end of this year. It’s not too difficult to see why they have won multiple awards in the sustainability & social impact space such as: A+ in Ethical Fashion Report  2013 – 2017, Human Rights Award 2016, Golden Greenies Award 2012 and the Telstra Business Awards 2008.

The more we acknowledge, support and endorse ethical brands, the sooner they will become standard in retail and furthermore, the possibility of having a fashion industry with net-zero emissions will become a reality.  

Etiko fairtrade nina gbor slow fashion 1


Because I’m nearly obsessed with polka dots, I chose this skirt for this ensemble. I wore my signature ‘50s petticoat with the skirt then paired it with my black Etiko organic cotton t-shirt. No surprises that I’m wearing a waist belt as I often do with a ‘50s style skirt or dress. It really helps to synch in the waist. I completed the look with my red Etiko vegan sneakers.

Colour wise, the black on my t-shirt connects with the black dots on my skirt. The white text on my skirt connects with the white on my skirt (and also the white shoes laces and soles) and then the red on the t-shirt connects with the red of the sneakers. So basic!

Styling tips

True style is all about wearing pieces your own way and putting your own personal signature on them. You can wear a t-shirt and sneakers like these with almost anything. Nothing screams instant style confidence like wearing bold coloured sneakers with an otherwise plain or unflattering ensemble. Try it out for yourself!

Outfit sourced from:

Etiko Black ‘Wear No Evil’ Organic T-shirt – Etiko

White & Black Polka Dot Skirt – Gigi’s Fairy Fashion

Etiko Red Lowcut, Fairtrade, Vegan Sneakers - Etiko

Photography by Pepper Street Photography.

♥ Nina Gbor


When self-esteem gets in the way of progress by Nina Gbor

Nina Gbor polka dot vintage 1

Even though I post a lot of content online and on social media, I'm very private. As an introvert and sensitive person, I can be a little apprehensive about sharing too much personal info. I’ve grown to realise that when people are open and vulnerable, it can create a space for others to relate and connect. Such interactions open possibilities for magical things to happen like inspiration, tolerance and positive change.

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sustainable fashion nina gbor 1
Givency hat Nina Gbor 1

I never liked close up photos of myself like this one because I believed cameras made me look strange. And therefore, I wasn't good enough. One day it dawned on me that how I look doesn't matter! The reason I do this work is to be of service. It's with the hope of contributing to making a difference to the environment and to peoples' lives.

ethical fashion nina gbor 4

How I think I look should have nothing to do with that mission. It's just vanity after all. This vanity has crippled some progress in certain areas of my work. This self-awareness gives me the strength to let go of worrying about how I might look.

For anyone with a volition to do something progressive, how they look shouldn’t matter. It’s irrelevant when it comes to matters of positive change.

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Now I know that sharing my experiences, values and thoughts can be a way to reach people who need to hear from someone who has gone through something similar. It helps people know that they’re not alone. And that they’re going to be okay.

Eco fashion Nina Gbor 1
slow fashion nina gbor 2

Outfit sourced from:

Hat and silk scarf - The Green Shed Underground Op Shop

1960s vintage polka dot dress – The Green Shed Underground Op Shop

Beige chunky heel strappy sandals – The Red Cross Op Shop

Sunglasses – The Red Cross Op Shop

Photography by Bryant Photographer.

♥ Nina Gbor